A set apart lifestyle

What does it mean to live a set apart lifestyle? Can you be worldly and live a set apart lifestyle? This category contains a collection of studies that helps to answer that question.

What would you like to study?

Yahoshua and the Law

How did Jesus/Yahoshua see the law, aka the 5 books of Moses in every bible? Did he teach that we will be freed from it or freed by it?

The law of God, should we keep it?

Is the law removed by Jesus or did he tell his followers to keep it? Is it only for the Jews or should Christians also keep God's law?

Which law shouldn't we keep?

The traditions of man, should we keep them, or should we only keep God's law? Which law shouldn't we keep, according to the bible?

Which law are we set free from?

If we should keep God's law, which law are we set free from? Which law was nailed to the cross by the messiah? This study aims to find out

Eating meat and blood

What does the bible say about eating meat and blood? Should we eat meat and if so, which animals may we slaughter and eat?

Why do we get sick?

Sickness and diseases, why do we get them? What does the bible say about becoming sick? How can we become healed from our illnesses?

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Which category would you like to explore?

Times & Seasons

Did God create holidays for his followers? When does his festivals occur and what do you do on them? This category explores his appointed times, what they mean and when they occur.

Characters & Entities

Cheruvim, Seraphim, Ophanim, Messiah? These may be strange and unfamiliar terms that we come across in the bible. This category goes deeper into who these characters and entities are.

Abstract to Concrete

Sometimes we come across a some abstract ideas in the bible but when we look at it more concretely, it starts to make more sense.

A set apart lifestyle

What does it mean to live a set apart lifestyle? Can you be worldly and live a set apart lifestyle? This category contains a collection of studies that helps to answer that question.

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