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Scripture Blueprints

A collection of studies that focus on a particular topics related to the Hebrew bible. The studies are done using a very effective studying method. They are not compiled with the intention to teach, but rather to share and perhaps even to explore. Sometimes studies weave through each other, or combined allows you to discover something allot more precious and meaningful.

An effective way to study the bible

[Jer 31:34 NASB] 34 "They will NOT teach again, each man his neighbor and each man his brother, saying, 'Know YHWH,' for they will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them," declares YHWH, "for I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more."

Step 1

Get a thick book to write in, a pencil, an eraser and a bible. Any translation will do, except the amplified or study bibles, since they tend to tell you how to interpret the text from the commentator's perspective as you read.

Step 2

Write down any 3 topics that interests you, or would like to have a more thorough understanding on. Write each heading on a new page. We recommended that you do not focus on more than 3 topics at a time, since your attention to detail might be too spread and you can end up missing references. As you read, you might get interested in other topics as well. Just write them down on an index page, but don't focus on them yet.

Step 3

Start reading, and each time you get to a point where that topic is addressed, write down the book, chapter and verse on the page for that topic. Also write down the passage or a short summary of that passage without adding your own ideas to the text. If you read the apocryphal books, you may add their references as well to see if they are consistent with the bible.

Step 4

Write down the key words that keep appearing in the verses related to your topics, on the page next to it. Use a Strong's concordance to learn what the Hebrew and Greeks words are for these keywords and what they meant to each respective culture.

Step 5

Keep on reading and feel free to go through your notes to recap, but do NOT jump to any conclusions. Often a topic explains itself as you carry on reading. It's important to refrain from adding ideas or interpretations of texts that you know are still coming to the current text you are reading. The author did not know what the authors 100 years ahead of him will be writing, so it important to read his text that way.

Step 6

Once you are done, read through all your reference notes again and write a summary about your topic. It's important to only write the summary once you have read through the entire bible.

Step 7

Share you study with family or friends on occasions like home fellowship gatherings, festivals or study groups. You can also post them on this website, and if they follow this study format, we will upload it. Most of the studies on this website has been gathered this way.

What are the advantages to this study method?

You are NOT reliant on any person for teaching you what is written in the bible

Become well-read on various topics

Build up a filter on topics you studied to help you distinguish between the truth from the lies

Learn Hebrew and Greek vocabulary as you study

Discover a plethora of truth that has always been there but never connected

Family and friends can share a study with you that took them a year in a day or two, increasing the speed of your learning

It's easy, and fun if you like reading, unraveling mysteries, connecting the dots, picking up patterns and solving riddles

It's 100% FREE

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A set apart lifestyle

What does it mean to live a set apart lifestyle? Can you be worldly and live a set apart lifestyle? This category contains a collection of studies that helps to answer that question.

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